Kitchen Renovation on a Budget


Are you thinking about renovating your kitchen? Perhaps this busy space is looking tired and dull and could do with some pep. Considering it is where most of the hard work is done at home, and is usually dates quickly, it deserves a nudge towards upgraded aesthetics and function, right?

That sounds great and all, but the next question is this - can you afford it? Have think about budget. You can certainly do things on the cheap, or go all out for a full luxe look. If you are planning to just make a few minor changes, it might be manageable, but a major overhaul can sometimes bore colossal holes in your pocket. In short, it can become a challenge in many ways.

The Average Cost of Renovation

According to the Housing Industry Association, the average cost to renovate kitchens and bathrooms in Australia is around $21,356. A basic one could start at around $10,000 and could easily climb up to more than $25,000, so either way you will need a decent sum of money.

The common factors that contribute to this cost include, but are not limited to:
  • Quality of materials used
  • Type of kitchen appliances
  • Your physical location
  • The tradespeople you transact with
  • Size of the renovation project
There’s definitely a lot to think of, which means you need to limber up because it can be a huge battle depending on how you play your hand. You will need to be wise about this project.

Tips for a Less Expensive Kitchen Update

Is it possible at all to have a renovation done for less? The resounding answer is yes! Here are a few ways you can cut the cost and still obtain the desired results.

Research, research, research
As for any endeavour, equipping yourself with knowledge is the first step. Get to know different tradespeople and canvass how much they charge. Look at some of the major changes you wish to have and look at the possible expenses and then decide.

DIY what you confidently can
If you want to slash a considerable amount of expense, you can try doing some of the work on your own. Of course, this is only advisable if you are confident that you can do a good job.

Pick less expensive alternatives
You can achieve the same classy finish for affordable materials, which is usually where most of the cost goes. For example, you can opt for laminate countertops instead of granite ones.

Choose ready-to-assemble cabinets over custom-made ones
Custom ones are always more expensive than ready-to-assemble cabinets.

Consider a cut-out rather than removing the whole wall
When you decide to remove a whole wall to create space, you might be removing more than the wall. There may be hidden pipe lines and electrical lines within, which will be costly to relocate.

Never underestimate the power of paint
Sometimes the best makeover can be done by just a simple splash of paint. Just a change of colour can already make a huge difference if there is nothing wrong with the fixtures.

Remodel instead of replace
Instead of completely changing a cabinet or any part of the kitchen, sometimes all it needs is a little makeover. For example, simply changing covers for the cabinet can work.

Just because you want to make the kitchen pretty doesn’t mean you have to break the bank in the process! Follow these simple tips and you should be good.
