Colour Palettes for Outside your Home

Before your guests and friends could even marvel at the great job you did at renovating, they are going to notice the outside first. Have you given much thought to the outside of your place? How is it looking right now? Is it okay, or does it look boring and tired? It might be time for an update.

Don’t worry because a splash of paint is all you need! Dab on perfectly picked colours and hues and it can bring your house exterior to life. And that’s a lot less costly than some of the renovation projects people get done inside!

Tips in Picking a Colour Palette

Not everyone is an expert when it comes to choosing the right paint colour combinations, so how do you go about it? Here are some tips in picking hues that should give you a good stride.

Plan around elements that are hard to change
Work with the colour of driveways, stonework and pathways. If you have a uniform colour scheme in your block, you may want to keep the deviation to a minimum. You don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb, right? You can get colour swatches from bunnings so you can make some good choices.

Think of your house’s style
If you own a classic-looking abode, the colours you pick should also reflect it. For those who may have a more unique architecture, then you can feed off the energy by picking flamboyant colours to match. If your house is a classic cottage, then you would try to stick to colours that suit the era.

Choose three shades
Generally, there are three shades that the exterior should have: field colour that dominates the body of the house, accent colour which is used for doors or tiny areas that you want to pop out, and trim colour for window and door casings, railings, and other trimwork. Go wild with the accent, but make sure the field and trim contrasts each other.

Tried and Tested Colour Combinations

If you need more inspiration, here are a few examples of exterior palettes to get you going.

Use neutral colours
If you want to put the focus more on the surroundings, you can play with neutral colours that have subtle variations for the accent, field, and trim. 

Go modern with grey
Nothing else makes a contemporary statement like grey. Pair it with white trims and you can’t go wrong.

Bright pops of colour
As long as you take the tips above in consideration, you can go bold with bright colours as well to show a vintage look. 

Deep shades
Create a sense of drama and style by using dark colours contrasted by light trims. 

Your house should reflect your personality. Let it show with the exterior palette of your home.

